St. Elizabeth School supports students from Baltimore and surrounding counties. We currently serve children from 10 different jurisdictions within the state of Maryland. We know students can thrive when placement at our school is a decision the entire IEP team stands behind. Families interested in St. Elizabeth should contact their IEP team to discuss placement options.
We have open enrollment and evaluate students for admission throughout the school year and over the summer months. The admissions process is generally initiated by the referring local school system and generally includes an interview, shadow day, and tour for all prospective families. Private pay is an option at St. Elizabeth School; however, we do not accept private pay if you are pursuing non-public placement.
If you, or someone you know, would like more information about the Admissions process at St. Elizabeth School, please contact our Admissions Director:
Ali Clark, Admissions Director
410-889-5054 ext. 1102
Please also explore our website to find out more about nonpublic schools (like St. Elizabeth School), how to apply, as well as frequently asked questions, or to schedule a tour. Thank you for visiting!