About Non-Public Schools
Nonpublic special education schools were created to promote quality services for children and youth with disabilities. St. Elizabeth School is one such school. You can read more about the history of SES here.
SES belongs to the Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities, also known as MANSEF. MANSEF is a nonprofit organization of special education schools approved by the Maryland State Department of Education. The MANSEF organization helps families and school aged children with disabilities in many ways, including advocacy, lobbying, and supporting families in their search for a Free and Appropriate Education in public or nonpublic schools. MANSEF is an excellent resource for parents and others who want to know more about nonpublic schools, and how to get involved in the discussion about youth with disabilities. We highly recommend visiting their website.
MANSEF completed and published a longitudinal study in December 2012 through
Johns Hopkins University showing data about students who attend nonpublic schools.
SES Transition Coordinator, Sue Murray, was a principal researcher/writer for this study.
We have posted MANSEF's summary here. SES graduate Arriel Durham is pictured in the
summary's photo.
Like many nonpublic schools, St. Elizabeth School is a fully approved Special Education School
through the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE).
MSDE's Division of Special Education/ Early Intervention Services is also an excellent resource
for parents and caregivers seeking information about disabilities, nonpublics, special education
in Maryland, and related issues. Visit their website to learn more.
SES Does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, nationality, or ethnic origin.
Our diverse student body and faculty represent many different backgrounds and faiths.