Work-Based Learning
The Work-Based Learning Program is an integral part of the Transition Program at St. Elizabeth School. The Wright Center for Transition Services at SES has four full-time Transition Specialists who help students develop the skills they will need to obtain and keep jobs in their home communities. This important process begins upon enrollment and continues throughout their tenure at SES.
While in school, SES students are provided with:
Hands-on work-based learning (WBL) opportunities running a variety of microbusinesses on campus,
Access to community-based internships through a large network of business partners,
Job coaching support on and off campus as students develop the work-related skills, communication skills, behaviors, and attitudes required to become successful working adults.
Students participate in a broad variety of work-based learning experiences that assist them in:​
Exploring their job preferences,
Learning how to meet employer expectations,
Developing the social skills to relate appropriately to others in a work environment,
Developing marketable and transferable job skills.​

Our high school students have WBL built into their schedules and spend one morning a week working with an on-campus microbusiness or off-campus with one of our local business partners. Placements change twice a year to give each student a rich variety of work-based learning experiences and an opportunity to transfer job skills to new locations. Our middle school students participate in one of our on-campus microbusinesses one period a week to learn the basics of working and prepare for a successful Work-Based Learning high school experience. By graduation day, the culmination of work-based learning experiences and job skills training results in SES graduates who are prepared to enter the world as productive, contributing adults.
For more information about the Work-based Learning Program, please contact the program lead, Kelsie Riegel Morgan at
Current or Previous Business Partners
Sample listing; not a complete list.